Monday, December 14, 2009

A Big Thank You

The studio sale went very well thanks to all who came by. After the paintings and posters were all hung, my house felt festive and positively brimming with color, which makes me contimplate leaving them up all year. It's too bad that I have to send the paintings off so soon. As for the posters, I've been thinking that I might just have to use them as wall paper. That could be fun.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Many Little Birdies

So many birds on my dining room table.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Studio Sale

As always, I'm just now getting around to planning a Studio Sale for this year. What would life be like if I actually planned things out in advance? I'm guessing that I'll probably never know. Is this a symptom of being artistic, or is that just the excuse I've gotten used to giving?

If all goes well the sale will be on December 11th (and or) 12th. Wish me luck!